Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Minutes Meeting for March 2, 2016 5:30 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


                 Call to Order/Introductions: Members present: Serena, Betty, Kathy, Herk, Elizabeth, Larry H., Bonnie, Scott, Briana, Lisa.


                 Approve Minutes of February 3, 2016: Motion made and second all in favor.


                 Officer Reports:

A.  President: (Lisa): Lisa reported that we made a $661.00 profit on the Calendars and $1618.77 on the roses for a total of $2280.00  Good job and thanks to all that helped.

B.  Treasurer: (Terri) Lisa gave that report as well.

C.   Logistics: (Shellie) No report


                 Action Items:

A.  Nominate/Vote – Secretary to fill vacant position starting March 2, 2016. Nomination made/second, all in favor and Scott Alvord will fill this position.

B.  Live Fire Training (Scott/Lisa) Live fire training on the 19th and 20th of this month at Junction City School.  We will need help with the air trailer on both days from 0900 to 1500 each day.  We will also need snacks and drinks.  The crews will bring own lunch on Saturday and Sunday.  The teaching cadre will need a meal so we may order something from Restaurant and get help with pick-up.  A rehab station will need to be set-up from 0900 to 1500 during crew fire attacks.

C. Mother’s Day Roses Tabled until next meeting


We added a discussion regarding the second rehab training….The 15th of March at 3:00 pm was decided upon.  If you have not had the training or would like to go through it again you are welcomed to attend.


·            Committee Reports:

A.  EMS Support: (Serena) Larry reported restock was done this month on all EMS bags.

B.  Station Maintenance: (Tania) No report

C.  Equipment Maintenance: (Herk) as of last Thursday all equipment was up and running.  Herk has been very busy keeping everything in proper working order.

D.  Web Technology: (Mike) No report.  Please continue to send pictures to Mike for posting on the Web site.

E.  Marketing: (Betty) Distributed Valentine Flower’s flyers and they must have worked because all roses were sold.


                 Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting:  Mother’s Day roses will be discussed at next meeting.  The Dinner meetings will be; April will be the annual Chile cook-off and May will be Taco night.


                 Adjourn: At 1802 hours